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Data Services for UK Business

The first step to cutting energy costs in any business, is understanding where the energy is being used and what it’s being used for. Surprisingly, many businesses do not know where to obtain this information. At Energy for Business, we’ll work with you to help you understand how and when you use your energy and highlight ways for you to reduce consumption and save money.

For our half-hourly metered clients, we have powerful analysis tools that allows us to demonstrate your usage at different times of the day, thus allowing us to ensure you are charged on the most beneficial charging structure for your business and operating hours. 

We can highlight your busiest times and periods of highest demand – this insightful data can help you identify possible operational changes that may assist you in cutting costs and making additional savings.

See how much you can save

Upload a Gas, Electricity and Water Bill here*

Drop your bill here to attach to the quote.
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